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a wooden thai massage bed with a rain forest outside the room

Welcome to Thai Massage by Lit

Welcome to, the official website of Grand Master Ajan Lit, where we offer in-person courses to teach you the ancient art of Thai massage. Whether you're looking to start a new career or simply want to expand your knowledge, we are here to guide you on your journey.

Ajan Lit

Grand Master - Greater Toronto Area

Ajan Lit is a seasoned practitioner and educator in the art of Thai Massage, with a rich background spanning over two decades. Having initiated his practice in Thailand in 2000, Ajan Lit brought his expertise to Toronto in 2004...

Headshot of the Grand Master
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Thai massage of a women's shoulder

Ready to Start Your Journey? 

Join Ajan Lit's Thai Massage class and embark on a journey to becoming a skilled practitioner. With over 20 years of experience in Traditional Thai massage and a Registered Massage Therapist (Retired), Ajan Lit provides comprehensive training. Our classes cover full-body massage techniques, fundamental positions, anatomy, muscle and bone knowledge, and understanding of Sen energy lines. Learn the art of Thai massage safely and professionally, including how to treat clients with care and maintain proper etiquette during the massage. Upon completion of the class, you'll be well-prepared to kickstart your career as a Thai massage practitioner at a spa. Don't miss this opportunity to learn from a seasoned expert and enter the world of Thai massage.

Image by Mathyas Kurmann

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